July Inspiration 2015

So this months inspiration can be argued by many to be called synchronicity versus coincidence or even chance versus fate.  With the terms fate, destiny and synchronicity often suggesting that, all is meant to be as it should, for a greater power has a master plan which we are all a part of whether we understand it/believe it or not.  And with the terms coincidence, fluke and chance usually implying that, sometimes it’s just the luck of the draw, plain and simple.  One definition by the dictionary states that, “coincidence” – noun 1. a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance.  My response is, I believe this word was created for the non believers.  Personally, coincidences have lost it’s place in my life many moons ago and I identify these events to be fate, synchronicity and or destiny, which are all signs to help lead me in my pilgrimage.  I’ve come to a clear realization that if I was to deny my truths, I would be betraying myself. The longer I stay loyal to my path the more tangible evidence I receive from the Universe to add validity to my beliefs.  Now, I  can try to write on and on about what I believe fate, destiny or synchronicity may mean but I’d rather just talk about one of many incidences I have experienced that has led me to accept that we are co-creators of our own universe.

After I went live with this site, my dear friend Dino helped me link it up to Google analytic to keep track of the action.  While I did not want to become obsessed with the statistics, start blogging for the wrong reasons and allow my ego to ruin my intentions for why I created this site to begin with.  I decided to stay away and not check in on the information cultivated by Google analytic.  One night in April, Dino was helping me with a couple of updates and logged into my Google analytic account for the first time since it was set up and we came to a page (a snapshot of a portion of this page is shown above) that had details regarding anything I could ever wonder about the activities on the site.  (Just a quick note, numbers have been an inherit form of guidance for me ever since I can remember, one, three and seven in particular) What stuck out to me was the amount of sessions shown which was 1100, to me the number 11 means reflection and is telling me I am in sync with the greater purpose.  The other number that spoke to me was the amount of users which was 989, my user number at my workplace at the time was 989.  The numerical probability of such profound synchronicity is very hard to come by and is telling me I AM doing right with this site.  The numbers could have been anything and could have changed at any given second yet we just happened to log in at the very moment this information aligned.  Reminding you that the affects of these numbers are based solely on the actions of others.  The stronger my appreciation and acceptance for Divine purpose grows the more I am gifted with “catered” evidence that even a computer wizard (Dino) cannot deny there is something greater then what we can fathom moving in a constant cosmic flow around and through us.  In short fate, destiny & synchronicity to me means following your intuition which ultimately will take you exactly where your meant to be at any given time in your life.  Coming to that place is where the gift in realizing fate is real.

Perhaps this story can help you understand and realize for yourself that the signs are everywhere and if you are attentive it can guide you through your journey too.  I know it has for me, I would be lost otherwise.  Although innately I have always been aware of the unseen surroundings, learning how to decipher the signs has been a life long journey for me and it might not be easy at first but I can tell you that it sure gets more and more obvious as time goes by.  I can definitely get into this deeper however in short the more you believe in synchronicity the more you will see my loves.  You are not alone.  Thank you for your presence and HAPPY CANADA DAY!

What does destiny, fate & synchronicity mean to you?  Please comment below.

After I wrote this post I researched and found this interesting podcast discussing synchronicity further.  I highly recommend you take a read or listen to gain another prospective.



Oanh Love

8:18pm July 1st, 2015

One Comment on “July Inspiration 2015

  1. Dearest Oanh and other followers/readers,

    An unfathomably influential friend and mentor shared this book with me a few years back at a pivotal point in my life and it has rung deep and true ever since. I shy away from claiming how much it changed my life as the cliche goes but I’d be lying if I denied its impact. the Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Ultimate Power of Coincidence by Depak Chopra discusses synchronicity and living in the flow at length. Truly an inspirational read, as are most of his works. Check it out if you ever get a chance. There’s a cheeky Amazon link I found but definitely worth a gander. I’ve encountered a variety of nay Sayers who call Depok a sellout but ya know, haters gonna hate right.

    Much love folks!


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